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Brownies and Fun Trips


Had a bit of field trip mania over the past couple of weeks. First off I helped out with Clemency’s Brownie troop (460) as they worked on their hiking badge. We took an afternoon stroll up to the top of Turtle Rock learning useful information about hiking. Unfortunately they forgot to mention that you should carry a rain coat as it rarely rains around here and you would never venture out in such conditions anyway.

As usual the kids had a blast together with a snack at the top to go with the great view – amazing that this is just out the back of the school and around the corner from home.


On Tuesday Clemency, Hadley and I went off to go Whale watching. We had some tickets from a cancelled Brownies trip and wanted to make the most of the whale migration that goes on up the west coast here around this time. We were looking for Grey Whales and it is the season for them to go past, but even as the weather was good overhead, it was windy and therefore choppy which made for difficult conditions. So we didn’t see a whale this time but it was nice to be out on a boat off the coast of Newport Beach and Laguna. We saw plenty of sea birds including Brown Pelicans and we visited the resident Sea Lions that hange out on the Buoy outside Newport Marina. It was also interesting to see the huge range of houses and boats along the coast and in the marina.

They guarantee a whale siting so gave us raincheck tickets for another free trip, so perhaps we will head out another day for a look.

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