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Goodbye Irvine – Thanks Everyone

20091008-dsc_0121 Image 1 of 33 Well it has been a great couple of years in the OC for the family but unfortunately it was time for us to head home, KBC moved out of the business in Irvine and it was either move back to London/New York or pack it up and head home. So […]

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Penelope @ 8 – 10 Months

Big catch up as we are already back in NZ and it will be Penelope’s first birthday soon but here is another addition to the timeline of Penelope’s first year. The finish of summer, starting to crawl and stand, back to school and then finally packing up in Irvine for our trip around the US […]

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Leaving California for New Zealand

For those of you not caught up on the news for us van Rijs here in Irvine, I thought it would be good to put out a post on what is happening with us over the coming months. We are leaving California at the beginning of November and heading back to Christchurch, New Zealand. We […]

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Penelope on the move @ 8 months

Penelope on the move 8.5 months, originally uploaded by Craig vR. Penelope has been the quickest of our kids to get mobile and now at almost 9 months she is pulling herself up on things. There are a couple of short videos up on Flickr of her doing her thing. This one is particularly funny […]

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Penelope @ 7 Months

UPDATE: Fixed the link above for you. Still on catch up with another addition to the timeline of Penelope’s first year. A lot of fun this month with Jo and Jem visiting so backgrounds at Disneyland, the pool, the beach and at home. Enjoy.

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