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Twitter today

Happy Birthday Penelope! First birthday today, party later. #

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Twitter today

Happy Birthday Penelope! First birthday today, party later. #

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Twitter today

Happy Birthday Penelope! First birthday today, party later. #

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Penelope 1st Birthday

Penelope 1st Birthday, originally uploaded by Craig vR. Penelope turned 1 today – how time flies. Hadley and Clemency went shopping with their Aunty Rachael and the photo shows them giving Penelope their choices We had a great little party at my parents place in Dunedin with the family and our Dunedin family friends Matt, […]

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Goodbye Irvine – Thanks Everyone

20091008-dsc_0121 Image 1 of 33 Well it has been a great couple of years in the OC for the family but unfortunately it was time for us to head home, KBC moved out of the business in Irvine and it was either move back to London/New York or pack it up and head home. So […]

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